Summer Show 2024 Sharon Fuller, Margaret Howker and Jan Reeves
Sun - 7 Jul 2024 11:04 am     Article Hits:253     A+ | a-

Event Date: Mon - 5 Aug 2024 - Sat - 17 Aug 2024

Event Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Location: The Crypt Gallery, 23 Church Road, Seaford google maps marker


This exhibition brings together 3 artists who first met at St Martin's Art School, London (now the University of the Arts) in the 1980s.

Sharon Fuller is showing vibrant figurative paintings and prints.

The mixed-media work of Margaret Howker is inspired by landscape

Jan Reeves is showing still-life paintings.

There will also be 2 video animations by Sharon Fuller showing on the hour every hour. The first  Helter Skekter won an award in the 2022 Brighton Film Festival, the second will be the premier viewing of Rendezvous.
Music for both is by Lee Fardon

More on you might also like to find out about the music of Lee Fardon if you are not familiar with him via YouTube or