Small Businesses – Creativity, Innovation, Vital... and Local
On Air / Jan 7th, 2024 1:09 am     A+ | a-
Tune in to Seahaven FM at 7:00 pm on a Thursday evening to hear Spotlight on Business, the show that provides insight, inspiration, and, we hope, ideas about success. In a world filled with doom and gloom, courtesy of the mainstream news media, 'Spotlight' provides the antidote. 

Mention 'business' and 'radio' in the same breath and some people automatically switch off. But business sustains our community, and communities support businesses. You can't have one without the other. Sure, there's Big Business; perhaps the only image some people carry with them but that can be a huge misunderstanding and misses the point.

Truth is, small businesses, collectively, are the biggest contributors to the economy, the nations largest employers, and the crucible of creativity and innovation that Big Business can never match. What's more, they have a direct relationship and relevance to the communities they serve. 

If we ever doubted it, the Pandemic showed us how vital our local businesses are, and why we should support and protect them so they can continue to serve and support us. .  

Small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) typically employ less than 50 people, and many are run by just one or two enterprising individuals. They are driven by their passion and their purpose in bringing their project to life.

Nitty Gritty

It's easy to talk about successful business in glowing terms. We hear that each time the publicity machine churns out a profile on this business or that, a charismatic CEO, or the development of a niche product.

Such profiles can be interesting up to a point, but we are always far more interested in the unpolished nitty gritty of actually running a business. The stories told by the people at the heart of it, rather than a script provided by a PR company.

Of particular appeal to us at Spotlight on Business are the small to medium-sized businesses, generally started by a single person,  often with little or no financial backing, fuelled by a passion, and kept going, at least in the early days, by enthusiasm, grit and stamina. 

Tune in to Spotlight on Business and these are the stories you'll hear, in conversations that showcase the business heroes in our community.
Tags:  business · innovation · SME · radio
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