A Personal Trainer's Story – Spotlight on Business
On Air / Jan 11th, 2024 5:42 pm     A+ | a-
From a young age, Sarah never knew what she wanted to be when she grew up.

"All I ever knew was that I wanted to help people. I love helping people. I love teaching people new things. I love seeing others thrive. I didn’t go to Uni and instead got easy office jobs and floated along in life.
At age 25 I joined the Police - I have always been obsessed with anything crime-related, and I thought what better way to help people? 

"Then, one day 12 years later, it just hit me - I wanted to be a Personal Trainer. 

"Many laughed; fitness was something I had only just discovered myself, and it was so far removed from who I had previously been as a person. 

"But, using my experience as an example, I began to help people become fitter, healthier and happier versions of themselves, and to understand how nutrition and exercise could improve their lives so much; exactly as I had done to myself. 

"Three years on, and I’m here. I genuinely pinch myself daily that it’s all real and fulfilling. 

"I have faced some life-changing challenges along the way, but I’ve made it through and the business is thriving. 
"There is no better feeling than watching the women I train become happier and more confident versions of themselves, and for me to be a part of each individual journey fills my heart with gratitude daily."

Hear about Sarah's journey from her routine and secure job, to realisation and fulfilment in her new role as a personal trainer with her own business. Seahaven FM, 7:00 pm, Thursday 11th January '24.

More about Sarah on Facebook
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