Eastbourne Street Pastors on Community People
On Air / Dec 13th, 2023 6:45 am     A+ | a-
Community People, 7:00 pm, 12th December 2023

Bob Clark from Eastbourne Street Pastors spoke to Kathy Harding us about the service they provide.

The Street Pastors are a team of nearly 50 volunteers from 18 churches who go out on the Streets of Eastbourne on a Friday and Saturday night from 10pm until 4am and make themselves available to those who need some help.

Comprising a team of over 50 volunteers from 18 churches we go out on the Streets of Eastbourne on a Friday and Saturday night from 10pm until 4am and make ourselves available to those who need some help.

Whether it’s a pair of flip flops for a young lady who just can’t wear her heels another step, a bottle of water for someone suffering from dehydration or excess alcohol, cleaning up someone who has been sick or in need of some basic first aid we are there to offer no strings attached non judgemental help.

Much of our time is spent wandering around the main entertainment hotspots having good natured chats, clearing up dropped bottles and cans, helping people find their lost group of friends. In addition we help some who find themselves alone or unable to work out how to get home by calling loved ones or a taxi to get them home safely.

We’re also a listening ear to the street sleepers we encounter on our patrols, often giving them a nice warm cup of sugar laced coffee and a biscuit and if they wish to know we signpost them to the various places that can help them further.

Our patrols usually comprise of 4 or 5 Street Pastors supported by a couple of Prayer Pastors back at our base.

Listen again to Kathy's conversation with Bob Clark.

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