Music for Everyone and Information for Local People
On Air / Mar 9th, 2024 2:47 pm     A+ | a-

Seahaven FM has variety of programmes and including some new programmes this year.

As a local radio station, we provide a wealth of information specific to your part of East Sussex. Alongside that is our carefully curated music mix, with hits from across eight decades (from the 1950s to the 2020s).

In most hours you’ll find:

  • Music from your own teenage years
  • The heritage hits that were playing as you grew up
  • The favourites that you may have heard different generations of your family listening to
  • New tracks being played on radio stations across the UK

Daytime weekday programmes, from breakfast to drive time, keep you up to date with what is going on in East Sussex. Regular local news headlines researched, written and presented by trained journalises, started a few weeks ago. We have brought you travel and weather reports as well as details of local events for a long time.

At seven each weekday evening we broadcast interviews. These range from community volunteers to business leaders. Other subjects include entertainment and wellbeing. Some evening and weekend programmes often focus on a musical genre or a particular decade.

There’s something for everyone. The most frequent feedback we receive is either:

  • “You played a great track which I hadn’t heard for years,” or
  • “I love that you play all the hits and not just one or two per artist.”

Let us know which programmes you like. Visit to use the contact form, or call 01323 885225.

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