Rat Pack Live
Tue - 6 Aug 2024 2:43 pm     Article Hits:108     A+ | a-

Event Date: Sat - 5 Oct 2024

Event Time: 7:30 pm

Location: Congress Theatre Eastbourne google maps marker


Price: £32.50

They were the definition of cool during their Fifties and Sixties Vegas heyday – Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jnr.

Combining the full sound of big band swing with charisma, panache and swagger, the trio – collectively known as The Rat Pack, had attitude to spare.

Rat Pack Live invites you to be part of the gang and features all the patter and razzamatazz of their infamous live shows. So prepare yourself for the UK’s most authentic Rat Pack concert experience…

This brilliant production revives all-time-favourites such as New York, New York, That’s Amore, My Way, Mr Bojangles and That’s Life.

Rat Pack Live: Come Fly with us...
