Author Event: Helen Simonson discussing 'The Hazelbourne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club'
Mon - 5 Aug 2024 2:57 pm     Article Hits:190     A+ | a-

Event Date: Sun - 22 Sep 2024

Event Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Organised by Much Ado Books; event will be in the first-floor events room at The Star Inn, Alfriston google maps marker


Price: £10

Helen Simonson’s 'The Hazelbourne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club' is set outside of Hastings, in 1919. Women who enjoyed new freedoms and responsibilities during the war are finding the return of the fighting men also brings a return of pre-war sensibilities.

Join Helen at The Star Inn on Sunday 22 September, when we’ll gather at 3pm in the first-floor events room. The £10 ticket includes a glass of wine – and a 20% discount on the £16.99 hardback. Ticket holders may buy the book in advance, or at the event.

Stop in at Much Ado Books, Alfriston for your ticket, phone 01323 871222 or visit our website: