Iolo Williams - Life before the Lens
Mon - 12 Aug 2024 3:01 pm     Article Hits:130     A+ | a-

Event Date: Sat - 28 Sep 2024

Event Time: 7:30 pm

Location: Royal Hippodrome Theatre, Eastbourne google maps marker


Price: £27.50

Iolo Williams tells us about his experiences working as a Species Officer for the RSPB.

From the farmer who held an egg collector over a 40-foot cliff to a colleague who kept half a village awake with his snoring, to an oystercatcher that briefly held up Prince Charles’ train, Iolo tells us not only about the wildlife and the threats they face, but also some of the great characters he met on his journey.

Informative, insightful and entertaining, this talk will keep the whole family entertained.