VE Day 80th Anniversary Show
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Event Date: Mon - 5 May 2025

Event Time: 6:00 pm - 10:30 pm

Location: Sovereign Harbour Community Centre, Eastbourne google maps marker


Price: £5

VE Day 80th Anniversary

Wear vintage clothes and let's recreate the 1940s.

I take great pleasure in inviting people from South East England to VE Day, 80th Anniversary show.

I am sure you know, Victory in Europe Day is the day celebrating the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces on Tuesday, 8 May 1945; it marked the official end of World War II in Europe in the Eastern Front, with the last known shots fired on 11 May.

I too am an ex soldier serving in the Royal Corps of Signals, so I know how seriously those soldiers would have been about serving their Queen and country.

Great Entertainment
The VE Day will feature myself Rick Bonner as host, the fabulous 'Sounds of Swing' playing a selection of Glen Miller melodies and more and the beautiful Ukraine sensation Lana Bright performing 'At Last' which is a personal favourite of mine.

Cockney Sing-a-Long
Words will be supplied for everyone to take part in 'The World's Greatest Cockney Sing-a-Long EVER' with songs like 'Maybe it's Because I'm a Londoner' and 'Lambeth Walk'.

Attended by Lord McLean, Councillor Mayor Candy Vaughan (Eastbourne), Councillor Mayor Paul Holbrook (Hailsham), Councillor Deputy Mayor Anne Marie Ransom (Hailsham), Councillor Mayor Dan Dunbar (Polegate).

Disco and Sound
Wayne Haffended (Twilight Discos) for providing the sound, DJ'ing

Welcome and thanks to (Eastbourne) No.10 (Eastbourne) Detachment Sussex ACF for becoming part of the VE Day Anniversary show.

The door entrance is free with a voluntary payment of £5. It's a fundraiser so funds will also be raised from the raffle.

The event will be held Monday 5th May at Sovereign Harbour Community Centre BN23 6JH. Door open at 6.30pm and the show starts at 7pm.

Funds raised will be used for medical supplies in Ukraine.

It would be wonderful if you could be part of the celebrations.

Thank you

Rick Bonner 07456919742