The Johnny Cash Roadshow
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Event Date: Sat - 19 Jul 2025

Event Time: 7:30 pm

Location: Royal Hippodrome Theatre, Eastbourne google maps marker


Price: £29.50

The Johnny Cash Roadshow is heading into its 20th year on the road and stronger than ever!

 A fast paced, energetic, constantly evolving show that’s now the longest running and most critically acclaimed show across the UK and Europe.
 Set on a Grand ‘Ole Opry style stage the Roadshow bring you the gift of the best of Johnny Cash catalogue of songs in one night’s entertainment.  Award winning Clive John who is described as an exceptional Cash, pays homage to and  channels his spirt in his own warm and unique way.

Alongside his iconic wife June Carter (Meghan Thomas) and some of the best musicians in the world playing authentic double bass, fender telecaster and acoustic guitars, drums, piano, trumpet and four-part vocal harmonies.